Here's my story...
Thank you for the opportunity to hang with you over the weekend. It was seriously awe inspiring.
Here is my story:
Kingdom Living with Jessie was one of the most eye-opening and enlightening events I’ve ever experienced. Jessie speaks with power and authority backed by her sacred story from having lived among the dark workings of the world to becoming a powerful soldier of God. Each segment took me through a journey starting with an understanding of the darkness in the world and how strategic and organized the adversary truly is today. From there the journey took us through what each of us can do from a very practical standpoint, to minister to others and rise to take part of the work of salvation together with our Savior Jesus Christ in bringing others to the light, truth, purpose, and peace that only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can bring. It opened my eyes to who I really am and the power of God that is inside of each one of us. "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (1 Timothy 1:7) It opened my eyes to the miracles that are happening today including visions, healings, and that the Savior’s voice is there if we just take time to listen for it. Finally, it reminded me that I am a child of God and as such was not born to live in fear or to give into the darkness of the world, but that I am a light to the world, that I am to bring light, hope, and love to others and to raise up my voice and speak with the power of God and change the world. Thank you Jessie!
Miami Launch 2022